
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hello, I am a Product Junkie

Let's face it, what B.O.L. isn't a total product junkie, always on the lookout for the next best potion?? As a future B.O.L., I am no exception.

One benefit of my job (or downside if you ask my husband), is my exposure to the newest and best products coming out of the beauty world.  It's been especially great now that I'm in the same division as the beauty office...ohhhh this could be trouble!

I was talking to them this week and was introduced to a great new gem, a little tube called neuLash.  One of the girls had been using it for a while and I kid you not, I thought she had been getting lash extensions put on.  Her lashes were RIDIC!!!   I know it's a bit pricey but I am addicted to fake eyelashes, which are over $4 a piece (for the cheap ones!)!  If I could stop my dependence on those, it would be worth it.

These are a few more of my must-have's...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Whip Out Your Slap Bracelets People

A proud Gen Y-er, my first tapes were Whitney Houston , The Bangles (Eternal Flame , anyone??) and Belinda Carlisle .  I rocked sweatbands, stirrup pants, Body Glove, acid washed jeans and Hypercolor t-shirts.  My hair was permed, and for a while, my eyeshadow was blue (until Aunt Peggy told us it was a no-no).

So you can only imagine my glee over seeing the resurgence of 80's fashion.  Shoulders, neon, asymmetric hems, even Hammer's all back!  And I'm loving it!

Here's a video from Harper's showing the trends at different shows.   

Some of these trends may seem a little hard to pull off, but just don't try to do them all at once.  Think a great neon shoe or a cute cropped jacket with strong shoulders (à la Ferris' love, Sloane). 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Hand That Feeds Me

Come on, people...get in the spirit!!  The most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner and what better way to kick it off than with the launch of the NM Christmas Book?!  

Page 9, anyone?!  Gucci scarves for $250!!!  Sequin leggings?  Don't mind if I do!  It's seriously worth checking out.  There are many items for $250 and under.  But who am I kidding, the reason we love it is for all of the over-the-top, only if I win the lottery fabulous gifts.  


Monday, October 5, 2009

LC Overload

Okay, I admit, I'm not a fan of The Hills (hah!  shocking, I know).  And I have never been a fan of LC (I was always on team Kristin). I think she is waaay over-exposed.

Laguna Beach, The Hills, her now kaput clothing line , her book (which is becoming a movie) and now she has the nerve to enter one of my favorite stores...Kohl's .  Can someone please remind me why she's famous?

Looking through the Sunday ad, though, I have to say I was intrigued.  Cute tops and jeans for $50 or less, not bad.  I don't like spending a lot of money for trendy pieces like boyfriend jeans or a cuffed blazer.  I love Kohl's for items like these.  I wasn't too impressed with the selection on their website, but I'll definitely be checking out the store this week.  

All photos courtesy of

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Inevitable Has Happened

Get ready people, this Sunday, October 4th is the world-wide premiere of (drum roll, please...)  DALLAS DIVAS & DAUGHTERS !!!!!  

Oh yes, it's happening.  We all knew it was coming.  The minute the Real Housewives franchise started we all knew it was only a matter of time before one of the stations clued in to the world of the DBP (Dallas beautiful people...thanks, Carter).  Seriously, we all know NYC and SoCal have nothing on Dallas.  Do you have to wear make-up to the grocery store in NYC??  I don't think so!  If I go into Eatzi's (gourmet grocery store) without my designer bag and shades, you KNOW I get the side-eye!!  

I am a little embarrassed to see that the show is airing on Style .  I mean, I love me some "How do I Look" and "Who's Wedding is it Anyway" but it's no Bravo.

If you're reading this Andy Cohen , we're ready for you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Hot" Couture

I have a feeling this could end up coming off as one of the shallowest in what is sure to be a long list of shallow posts, but hear me out...

A couple weeks ago, I came home from the gym and Drew took a long look at me and said he was going to take me shopping to buy new workout attire.  What?!  This is from the same husband who's life goal is to ensure my adherence to my monthly allowance.  I was shocked.  Did it really matter that much that I dressed like an 11 year old boy to go workout??

There are two things in life that I refuse to spend money on...sleepwear and workout clothes.  Will I spend an obscene amount of money on a classic handbag that I will surely carry for the rest of my life, uhhh yeah!  But the thought of shelling out $55 for a pair of workout pants seemed ludicrous!  This is why I have PJ cami's and sports bra's, literally, from ELEMENTARY school.  Truth.  And I still wear them.

But I was presented with an opportunity to shop with non-allowance money, who was I to pass this up!?   I kept it simple, 2 bottoms and 3 tops.  My favorite item being these Nike cropped pants ...great for Spin.

(yes, that is a hole on my boob...and yes, I wore them holes, stains and all)


I know some people may find this ridiculous (hello...I was one of them!).  But I have to say, my first day back to the gym with my new gear...I was excited about it!  I mean, everything is better with a cute outfit (not to mention dri-fit and better support for the bubbies)!  I am a big proponent of the "look good, feel good" philosophy.  I even tried a new class at the gym called Zumba that I had been too intimidated to try.  So, silly as it may sound, if you're looking for a little push, a little incentive, go get some "Hot" Couture!  :)

For bargains, check out TJ Maxx & Ross!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kristin Cheno-woah!

Love a girl who loves the sparkle!!  And a smokey eye...I die!!  I know some people have been saying it was a taaaad over-the-top and maybe not formal enough for the Emmys, but seeing Kristin Chenoweth walk up on stage in that Zuhair Murad number was my one and only "wow" moment of the night.  I need to get some fabulous New Years Eve plans, stat, because I will be wearing that dress (or some knock-off version from Forever).

Photo courtesy of NYDaily

I also have to give credit to one of my style icons, Mrs. Seal (aka. Heidi Klum).  No one else can make preggars look this sexyKate Walsh and January Jones (sooo wish that was my name) rounded out my top pics for the ladies.  If you don't already watch Mad Men, you need to.  Glad to see it win a second Emmy.  Speaking of men, Jon Hamm and Rob Lowe were by far my favorite guys.  I love the old hollywood vibe they both have going on.  Yummy!

Photo courtesy of Celebrity Baby

                                                                Photo courtesy of

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Show Time Synergy"

I believe my love of all things glam is rooted in my childhood obsession with Jem.  From her pink hair and electric pink eye shadow to her 6 in platforms and metallic asymmetric mini's...she encompassed all that is fab.  She ran a music studio by day (as Jerrica, her alter ego) and rocked out as Jem & the Holograms by night(watch the video--do it).  This transformation occurred when she simply touched her sexy star shaped earring and said the magic words, "Showtime Synergy!"  Don't we all wish we had a talking holographic computer??  Well, just don't be surprised if I name my first born Jerrica. 

So now you can understand why I had visions of jamming out with the Holograms when I was visiting the Bobbi Brown counter recently and came across this:

Oh yes, this happy little canister contains the perfect glitter for grown-ups!  It gives more of a wet metallic look.  Not too over-the-top....just right.  Just like Jem!  Goldstone is my new obsession.  It's a subtle gold that works great on most skin tones.  I also bought black pearl  for those nights on the town.  You can put them on with your finger for a more sheer look or use a brush.  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Over the Knee Boots: Hooker or Haute?

When I heard over-the-knee boots were going to be a trend for Fall, I wasn't too surprised. What more could they do to sexify the knee-high's of last year? I just wondered who would really go for this trend. Sure, Charlize Theron can throw on 3 ft of leather gloriousness and look classy. But, can the mom at the mall pull it off, or me for that matter? I can't help cringing, thinking about the looks of disapproval I would get if I showed up somewhere in these bad boys.

Is that going to stop me?? I think not :)

You can find less extreme versions from Joie, Steve Madden & Guess. I'll be putting these on my Christmas list.

Photo: Imaxtree; Courtesy of

Givenchy, spring 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Future B.O.L.

Thank you for taking a minute to check out Future B.O.L., my little blog about fashion, make-up, celebrities and all things fun and frivolous!

In case you're wondering about the name... It is the result of a day of sunbathing with my uber cool aunt who told my cousins and I that, in that moment, we were all "B.O.L.'s" ... "bitches of leisure". I was about 8 at the time, so this was quite risque'. Throughout the years many activities would invoke this name in my mind...sipping delectable cocktails, day-long shopping spree's, delicious spa services and watching my husband put away the groceries (that he just went out and bought ;).

Since then, I have dreamed of the days when I can truly be a B.O.L. ... a "lady who lunches" spending my time as I please and my money like it doesn't matter. Until then, I'm a 20-something maneuvering my way through living on a budget and trying to pretend that I don't!