
Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Show Time Synergy"

I believe my love of all things glam is rooted in my childhood obsession with Jem.  From her pink hair and electric pink eye shadow to her 6 in platforms and metallic asymmetric mini's...she encompassed all that is fab.  She ran a music studio by day (as Jerrica, her alter ego) and rocked out as Jem & the Holograms by night(watch the video--do it).  This transformation occurred when she simply touched her sexy star shaped earring and said the magic words, "Showtime Synergy!"  Don't we all wish we had a talking holographic computer??  Well, just don't be surprised if I name my first born Jerrica. 

So now you can understand why I had visions of jamming out with the Holograms when I was visiting the Bobbi Brown counter recently and came across this:

Oh yes, this happy little canister contains the perfect glitter for grown-ups!  It gives more of a wet metallic look.  Not too over-the-top....just right.  Just like Jem!  Goldstone is my new obsession.  It's a subtle gold that works great on most skin tones.  I also bought black pearl  for those nights on the town.  You can put them on with your finger for a more sheer look or use a brush.  Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. If you do my eye make-up with the black pearl, I'll let you take pics for your portfolio!
